Follow  Hélène on social media to be kept posted on her exhibitions or:


'100 years 100 women - a street photography group exhibition' collective exhibition, MVAC 7e - 4 rue Amelie F-75007 Paris

From 19 -28 June 2024: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays: 10:00 - 18:30; Thursdays: 13:30 - 19:00; Saturdays: 10:00 - 14:00; Sundays, Mondays: Closed


Previous exhibitions:

'Happy feet' at Espace Senghor  Brussels (River Jazz festival) - 24 November 2023-8 January 2024

'A volle pétrole' at 'Schieven Regards VI' exhibition by Bruxelles Pixels at 'Autonomie Art Center, Brussels - 4-17 December 2023

'FeliCity', exposition hybride sur la ville - Seed Factory, Avenue des Volontaires 19, 1160 Brussels, 4 September - 7 October 2023

'We Love Brussels Photo Expo - Art Nouveau & More' - TAlk CEC, Chaussée de Wavre 143, 1050 Bruxelles, 14-17 September 2023

'Collective', with Viewfinders Photography Club of Brussels, GH Market, Avenue Georges-Henri 490, 1200 Brussels, 5-19 March 2023

"Views on Time", with Viewfinders Photography Club, rue au Bois 509, 1150 Brussels,  15 January -19 February 2023

"BXL: Rencontres du 3e type" at Parlement francophone bruxellois, Rue du Lombard 77, Brussels, 15 June - 8 July 2022 - Virtual Gallery

'Drache Bruxelloise' at "Schieven Regards IV" exhibition by Brussels Pixels, 'Autonomie' Art Center, Brussels, 4-19 December 2021

'Metro creatures' and 'Happy feet in the metro' at Callens Café, Avenue Louise 480, Brussels, November-December 2021

"Porte Ouvertes des Artistes de Woluwe-Saint-Lambert", Exhibition at La Mediatine, 12-21 November 2021

"Auderghem insolite", award winning photo exhibited at Maison communale, Auderghem, Brussels, 2021

"Urban zoom", 'Vol de Dragon' award winning photo exhibited at Halles Saint Gery, Brussels, 2021

"Expo participative Au coin de la rue", award winning photo exhibited at See U, Brussels, 2021

'Metro Creatures' exhibition at "Den 37. Internationale Fotoudstilling", Esbjerg, Denmark, 2020

"Metro Creatures" at "Schieven Regards III" exhibition by Bruxelles Pixels, Galerie Passerelle Louise, Brussels, 2020

'Happy feet in the metro', as part of "De la Tête aux pieds" exhibition at ATNM-Autonomie Bruxsel, Brussels, 2020

'Happy feet in the metro',  'Schieven Regards II" exhibition by Bruxelles Pixels, Galerie Passerelle Louise, Brussels, 2019

'Brussels Underground', "Schieven Regards I" exhibition by Bruxelles Pixels, Perspectives Brussels, summer 2019

"Peace!" , exhibition by the Viewfinders Photography Club of Brussels, 2018

'Brussels Underground' , "Schieven Regards I" exhibition by Bruxelles Pixels, Galerie Passerelle Louise, Brussels,  2018

"Bruxelles Patrimoine", award winning photo exhibited at Halles Saint Géry, Brussels, 2018
